01 Oct

When it comes to your child’s education, just like most parents, you would want to make the right choice. Aside from enrolling them at a university, it would also want to hire an H2 Chemistry tutor that can teach them. However, not all Chemistry tuition in Singapore is alike. Thus, to make your search a lot easier, better ask these questions. It will help you assess whether they are worth hiring or not. 

  1. What is your educational and teaching background?

A good, reputable H2 Chemistry tutor should have a teaching certificate and a college degree or anything higher. It would be better if they also have tutoring experience. All of these guarantees they can teach your child well. 

  1. Do you have a cancellation and make-up policy?

The future is, indeed, unpredictable. It is hard to know when your child would get sick, or they have to attend other things at school. Thus, asking this would assure you that your child can attend a make-up class when she missed one.

  1. Do you have a curriculum, or are you making tailored lessons every session?

Asking this helps you determine what teaching materials they will use in their tutoring sessions. Most of the time, they will use materials from college professors, homework, and standard examinations. 

  1. Where your session takes place and how many students will be in a group?

Some tutoring sessions take place online, whereas a Chemistry tutor teaches A-Level to O-Level lessons. Other times tutors prefer students going to their tutoring sites. That way, their students can focus more on their studies. 

  1. How do you access and track growth?

Every Chemistry tuition in Singapore has different ways to do this. Some access their students through recitation or make them answer situational questions. Either way, it will help to analyse their weaknesses and strengths. 

By asking these questions, you can narrow down your choice. You will see which Chemistry tuition in Singapore you should let your child join. If you are still on the lookout, consider The Chemistry Practice. You might find a tutor perfect for your child!


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