07 Feb

Did you know? It takes exactly 66-days for a person to formulate a new habit before it becomes automatic, and that’s true when it comes to learning new things. It's a time-consuming task that requires patience, focus, and comprehension.

That’s why, take advantage of your little ones, as they can form habits faster than adults because they learn things from what they see in their surroundings and they unconsciously learn it.

So, you want your children to learn new things like English composition writing. Then, consider applying to an English composition class. But don’t worry, we know learning new things is kind of a challenge that takes time and effort, so here are some tips to make your children’ lessons more productive.

  1. Plan Their Learning

As parents, it is your job to take care of your children, especially when they are still too young to make a plan or decision by themselves, and that's true when it comes to learning new things.

Remember, you are responsible in this matter, to take time to contemplate on what is best for them, because learning English composition writing doesn’t just happen, it is something we (people) learn.

So do consider enrolling them to an English composition class, because it will help them learn the primary lesson of English composition.

  1. Listen to Music and Songs

Aside from enrolling your child or children to an English composition class, you can let them listen to music or songs because it will help to concentrate better.

But this method doesn’t work with everyone, so try it once to see if they love it and if they can concentrate better while doing a primary English composition or any specific subject.

  1. Watch Films or Series

Yes, learning new things doesn’t mean they have to study all the time, because that method will surely burn them out, and worse they wouldn’t learn anything at all.

So, let them take a break, and better, let them watch their favourite films in English dub or subtitle because this will help them to be more creative and that will make them do well in their English composition writing.

  1. Don’t Let Them Worry about Mistakes

Take note, no is perfect, and everyone can make mistakes in their lifetime, so don’t be too hard with your precious little one, because it will complicate things even more.

So instead tell them not to worry about mistakes, because what matters the most is for them to do well. Also, let them know, practice makes perfect, which means their English composition writing will become better after attending several English composition classes.

  1. Widen Their Vocabulary 

Widening their vocabulary is the fastest way to develop their English composition writing because once they know the synonym and antonym of a specific word they will know what is the right word to complete a sentence or phrase.

To help them widen their vocabulary by reading them some books to search the thesaurus for a better understanding. 

So follow these tips to help your child/ children’ lessons more productive and enrol them to the nearest English composition class or visit Lil’ But Mighty in Singapore as they excellent primary English composition that will help your child do better!

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