11 Jul

Top international schools in Singapore include extracurricular activities in their curriculum to provide students an interactive and engaging means of learning. Because these schools place so much importance in extracurriculars, parents and students alike can find facilities such as swimming pools, practice rooms and art centres inside. Here are some of the benefits of extracurricular activities in international student schools in Singapore:

Discover New Skills

Life skills like public speaking skills can naturally be developed when a student decided to join an extracurricular activity or a club. This is because the activities will provide them leadership opportunities which will develop their communication and public speaking skills.

Improve Academic Performance

Students can use the new skills that they gained from joining a club to help improve their academic performance. There are even a lot of studies which have proven that a student is most likely to achieve high grades and scores if he actively participates in a club.

Expand Interests

Students can join various clubs and extracurricular activities to help them find an activity or hobby which best suits them. They can even use this newfound hobby to develop and pursue a successful career in the future.

Gain New Friends

A student will be able to meet different kinds of people and eventually make new friends. This will help develop their interpersonal or social skills which can be beneficial in their future career endeavors.

Learn Time Management

Since extracurricular activities are mostly time-consuming and hectic, students will be able to learn how to effectively balance their time. Learning time management is essential to guarantee success in their future careers and goals.

Looking for an affordable international school in Singapore? Check out Middleton International School now! They are one of the best Singapore international schools recommended by most parents and teachers alike. 

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