06 May

Learning English is interesting with the suitable approach for kids and high school students. Writing creatively is desired for these levels.

P1 Preparatory Course

It is essential for kids who learn in this English tuition centre in Singapore to move up to Primary School smoothly. With this course, the exposure of the kid becomes well-rounded. At this very early stage of school life, the kid has to adjust to his upcoming Primary School life. The knowledge and skills that are necessary for the kid to learn are tackled in this course. Lessons include grammar and comprehension, practicing phonics, and taking spelling and vocabulary drills.

PSLE Preparation for Creative Writing

Kids who are in Grades 4 to 5 have the opportunity to take English creative writing classes in Singapore. As preparation for PSLE, the kids learn the basics of effective writing. The weaknesses in writing are strengthened with new techniques. Persuasive writing is developed in this class. New words learned are made into sentences with sufficient practice. Every week, the kids show improvement in their exercises. Part of the class is writing an introduction, essay, and resolution.

IB Language Arts

At this English tuition centre in Singapore, high school students may take the IB Language Arts programme. This course is known to be more demanding since the IB standards are followed. Improvement of language skills for high school level is accomplished. Through this programme, universities abroad accept the new students. Reading comprehension, literary essays, writing persuasively, and literary devices.

For narrative comprehension, there are different activities. Questions are posed, responses are produced, and ideas are presented. The students are being prepared for the actual exam questions. In literature, stories are analysed along with the characters. Poems, novels, and prose are studied.

With the success of Writer Studio students for English, experience the same learning style for improvement.

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