16 Dec

Studying chemistry was one of the challenges that I had to encounter when I got into junior college. No matter how much I review for it, I can’t seem to get the formulas right. So, I decided that I had to enrol for A-Level chemistry tuition in Singapore if I want to pass my chemistry exams. 

However, I decided against going to the tuition centre every weekend because it would be such a huge hassle. Even though public transportation in Singapore is convenient, I still have to dress up before going out. So, I thought it would be better if I could enrol to online Chemistry tuition instead.

Free Trial Lessons

I asked my classmates if they could recommend me some online chemistry courses since I heard that some of them have tried it before. Out of all their recommendations, I chose this particular chemistry tuition because of the free trial lessons. When I inquired about the free trial lessons, I did not have to wait for a long time for their reply. They sent their response after a day I sent my inquiry. Because of this, we got to do the trial lessons right away.

Another reason why I chose Mr Kelvin as my online A-level chemistry tutor because of how well he conducted the free trial class. Even though it was just done via zoom, he made sure that the class would still be fun and interesting. He knows how to make the lessons easier to understand even though the concepts were complex. This made me more interested in learning the subject. 

Weekly Online Live Tuition

The activities in our online classes in zoom was based on the syllabus that was made by my tutor. He sent out the syllabus right after I enrolled in his online chemistry tuition class. I briefly reviewed it and it was quite different from our chemistry syllabus at school.
What I like about his classes is that it is interactive. All of us attending the class had to participate in the polls. The tutor would ask a question and the whole class would vote which is the right answer. This would test how well we have understood the lesson. Moreover, to make it more interactive, reaction buttons were used. This is to make sure that the students would still participate in class. With this, the online classes are not just about the tutor explaining and teaching the subject. We got to do our part too. For me, the idea of reaction buttons was fun because I get to interact and cooperate with the tutor. It’s not just a boring class in which we have to listen to the discussions. 

Another thing that I liked about this A-level chemistry tuition is that there are more practical exercises than discussions. Indeed, explaining each concept through discussions is important, but I get to understand the concepts better if I apply them to practical exercises. Even though I know I might make mistakes during the practical exercises, I wasn’t anxious about it because our tutor would not reprimand us if we got it wrong. Instead, he will explain the right process to us, and he would give us another problem to solve to see if we understood his explanation. Even though it’s online, he made sure that the classes had a nurturing environment. Thanks to this, instead of feeling embarrassed about my mistakes, they became a motivation for me to do better. 

Lastly, he would push us to limits by letting us answer “high-order questions”. These are different from the tutorial questions as these high order questions are more difficult. It’s like an advanced level that requires us to practice more so that we could master the concepts and learn how to choose the right formula combinations. It was frustrating at first because I had a lot of mistakes, but our tutor was an encouraging one. Moreover, he is approachable too because every time we have some things that we would like to clarify, he would gladly arrange a 1-to-1 consultation via Zoom. With this, I can rest assured that there would be someone who would assist me and help me every time I am stuck solving a chemistry problem. Because of this, I thought his online chemistry tuition that I paid for was worth investing in. 

Recommended A-Level Chemistry Tutor in Singapore

If you are having a hard time passing your chemistry subject, then you may want to try the online chemistry tuition at The Chemistry Practice. Thanks to these tuition classes, my grades in chemistry have significantly improved!

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