09 Nov

Do you want your child to have a way with words? Then, you should not just hire a Chinese tutor in Singapore, but also a piano home tutor! You see, those who learn music can grasp a language better. They will have superior language skills. One, for example, is Lisa from Blackpink. She could speak three to four more languages aside from her mother tongue. To convince you more, read these reasons why it is an efficient way for learning languages. 

  1. More on Tones than Accent

Your piano home tutor in Singapore produces more sounds, tones, than words. Whenever she presses the keys, you would hear how it sounds. That same goes when you sing the characters instead of saying them. When you become accustomed to it, the less accent you would have. Hence, you would speak the words naturally. 

  1. Enhance the Vocabulary Better

Music has lyrics and rhythms. Listening to it often makes you grasp the vocabulary as if it were yours in the beginning. So, listening to Chinese songs helps you learn how to use the word in a sentence and use it in a conversation. 

  1. Helps with Memorisation

It does. You might not even remember this, but when you were a baby, you learned your alphabet first by singing it. So, if you use “do re mi” in the piano, your mind would memorise how the character sounds and your mouth would remember how to say it. 

  1. Less Pressure, More Enjoyable

Your child will get bored if they keep listening to a dialogue repeatedly. The more they feel it, the more pressure they would feel. However, learning it along with music would make it more enjoyable since a piano produces 88 different pitches. 

As you can see, music connects languages. So, would you still not consider hiring a piano home tutor along with a Chinese tutor in Singapore? If you are interested and looking for one, it would be a good idea to hire one at Tueetor in Singapore! Check out their website and book their lessons right away.


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