06 Jun

Mandarin is the standard Chinese language that most Singaporean students need to learn. It can be quite difficult for foreign exchange students whose first language is English. Thus, it is ideal to hire a Chinese tutor in Singapore. Here are some of the qualities to look for when hiring one: 

  1. Excellent at Pronunciation

Since Mandarin is a tonal language, the tutor must be good at teaching the right pronunciation. So, it would be better if he doesn’t have a provincial accent because it would be easier to learn and master the local Mandarin accent if this is the case. 

  1. Versatile Teaching Styles

Although traditional classroom setups work, it’s quite boring and too strict for some students so the teaching methods should be varied. A Chinese tutor should include various activities in the course to make it more interesting. 

  1. Amiable Character

Students find it hard to absorb a lesson if the tutor himself shows little to no interest in the subject. He should show dedication to his job and he should have an amiable and approachable character to make it more comfortable for his students to ask questions. 

  1. Long Patience

A Chinese tutor must understand that almost all the people in his class are beginners. Indeed, it is difficult to lose their cool on students who have slow progress, however, it is important to become patient because learning a new language is challenging. 

  1. Teaches the Chinese Culture

As a teacher, he must not only teach the proper way of speaking and writing Mandarin, but he must also introduce the vibrant culture of the Chinese. In this way, it is easy to apply the language in everyday lives. 

  1. Makes Lessons Fun

Chinese tutors also need to have a creative and strategic mind on how to make the tutoring sessions more enjoyable. It’s more motivating to study Mandarin if the exercises are interesting and fun to do. 

It’s difficult to find the right tutor, but with these tips, the search for the right one makes them easier! Since you are currently looking for someone to hire, check out Tueetor in Singapore! Aside from Mandarin tutors, they also have piano home tutors in Singapore who can help improve your child’s musical skills.



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