02 Jun

Unlike other languages, English is not just the most spoken languages in the world, but Asian countries like Singapore always includes English class in their curriculum. However, some parents think that English class are not worth the price. If you have the same thinking, let this article convince you otherwise!

  1. Learn Faster in The Future

By default, English is one of the four official languages in Singapore. Thus, every institution from primary to tertiary includes English classes. So, if you encourage your child to study in English tuition in Singapore, they will have an edge among their classmates in the future. 

  1. Gain New Skills

In today’s standard, speaking and writing in English are in-demand skills. Learning how to do these not only promotes worldwide communication, but your child might find their passion for pursuing creative literature and even journalism-related professions.

  1. Boost Mental Capabilities

Recent studies say, being able to speak two languages have better focus and problem-solving skills than others. So, if you want your child to gain these capabilities, make sure to enrol in English tuition while they still in their primary school!

  1. Enjoy Classic English Literature and Films

Once your child learns English, they would not need to rely on translation, meaning they can easily read books or watch movies without having the trouble understanding it. 

  1. Increased Opportunities

The benefits of learning English does not stop. Since your child started learning English from primary English tuition, they experience more opportunities as they grow up. One of those is being able to travel and work abroad. That gives them an edge to become more successful and develop relationships from other countries. 

Now that you’ve known the benefits of enrolling your child in primary English tuition, will you still choose not to let him join one? If you’re interested and looking for a reliable English tuition, then check out, Lil’ But Mighty!



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