20 Apr

If you want to learn digital marketing in Singapore, or really, any skill that requires you to learn digital skills, you’re one of thousands around the world who’s learned the true value of current technology and how it’s shaped our society. The digital world inhabits everything from our electronic communication devices like smartphones, tablets, and laptops, to the vast internet, with its social media sites and e-commerce sites, to even mobile apps and other software. Without being at least a little tech-savvy in some of these things, one will find it very hard to run a business in modern society.

Since many people nowadays are on their phones for a major part of the day, the best way to reach out to these people is through digital means. And the most visible and obvious means of them all is through the internet. This is why they’ve created a demand for those who are savvy enough to navigate and design websites.

Should I go into web design?
Web design is the backbone of a customer’s experience with the brand online. Websites are used for everything from knowing information about a company to buying products to contacting support.  That’s why businesses need good designers.

But other than it being a sought-after career, what do web design courses or skills offer you?

  1. Creativity-centred. Think you’re an artist? Web design focuses a lot on aesthetics-- how to make sites look good, and so on.
  2. Stepping stone to better skills. Web design is a stepping stone to user experience design and other holistic skill sets.
  3. Independence. Your skills are valuable and can be used in many kinds of projects, even personal ones.

See digital marketing courses and more in Singapore with Smartcademy! We are an online academy that provides essential business skills in a convenient and easy-to-learn format. Check out our classes now.


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