12 Nov

Hiring a Chinese tutor for your kids can help them learn and understand Mandarin better. However, enrolling them to a Mandarin course in Singapore alone will not get them anywhere. You also need to do your part. As their parents, your actions will also impact their learning. So, to help them improve, consider following these tips. It would help to foster their language development! 

  1. Speak Mandarin at Home

No matter how many Chinese lessons for kids your children attend in Singapore, they will become more fluent if you also use Mandarin at home. With that, they would not forget what words, phrases, and sentences they have learned. They will also become more confident speaking Mandarin to others! 

  1. Tell Stories and Sing Songs in Mandarin

Besides talking, reading and singing would also help them learn how to speak Mandarin. The lyrics and rhythm of the song would help them understand how to pronounce each character. So, make sure to read them bedtime stories and sing songs in Mandarin. 

  1. Talk About Your Traditions & Culture 

Your children will appreciate learning more at a Mandarin course in Singapore if they know what you had experienced when you were younger. For example, during the Mooncake Festival, do you also play Bo Bing? Your stories will inspire them to learn Mandarin. That way, they can do, too, what you had experienced before.  

  1. Look for Activities Around Your Community

Well, of course, your children would be able to learn more if they know someone their age learning the same thing. So, consider asking your neighbours or relatives if their children are learning Mandarin, too! Learning together will help them speak and understand Mandarin better. 

All in all, never force your children to learn. Inspire them to join Chinese lessons for kids in Singapore instead! You can make that happen by showing them how interested you are in learning Mandarin! So, while your kids are learning Chinese, why not enrol yourself at a Chinese business course in Singapore? Both of you and children can join learning Chinese at Mandarin Plus! 

Visit their website today and see how their tutoring works!


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