08 Apr

Have you ever applied for a Chinese language course in Singapore? Then, you know how difficult it is to learn a new language, but remember that every language is hard! The way to properly learn it is to know your studying style and avoid these common mistakes done by language learners.

  1. Memorising lots of new words at once

Even in your native language, there is no possibility that you will remember all the words ever recorded. This is the same case as learning Mandarin through a course in Singapore because some students deem that knowing all the words in what they need to pass. This is not as true as knowing a few thousand words would be enough!

  1. Forget to listen

Of course, being able to speak a language is different from understanding a Chinese native speaker's speech. If you are a language student and you feel that listening in class is not enough, you could watch movies and listen to music in Chinese!

  1. Spend your time studying textbooks

Putting all your trust in a book is a common mistake that language learners make. This is not recommended as it could not take you farther enough to be on the same level as a native speaker. You would also want to know slang, idioms, or jokes that you can learn in Mandarin language courses in Singapore!

  1. Invested in a scripted conversation

Your teacher might assign you to do roleplays in class for you to learn the Mandarin language and speak to Singapore locals. This is sometimes not effective as you will rely on generic, formal phrases. You should also consider investing in learning conversations from films or podcasts!

  1. Not thinking in the language

Talking to yourself in your head could contribute a lot in getting accustomed to the language you want to learn. Expect that you will do a lot of translation exercises before you can finally translate a word in a breeze!

Want to apply for a Chinese language course in Singapore? Apply in Stanford Language Center! Visit their website to get their contact information.

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