11 Nov

Children become wiser as they grow up. The words can stay permanently in their memory, and for worse, it can be the cause of their trauma. A single harmful word, such as incapable, stupid, or ugly, can scar their hearts until adulthood. If not healed, they can also pass them down to their children in the future. 

Hence, here are the things you should NOT say to your child during early childhood development

  1. "Big Boys/Girls Don't Cry." 

There's nothing wrong with showing emotions, and when you say this to a child, they may associate being emotional as something shameful, especially in a society where they pressure men to be strong all the time. Let them cry, bawl, or feel frustrated when something unpleasant happens. 

  1. "I'm Right Because I'm Older." 

Being older doesn't mean you're right all the time. When saying this to a child, they may feel that their opinions are invalid because they are young. Children should have a chance to share their thoughts. So, as part of the parenting tips in Singapore, talk and listen to them for better communication. 

  1. "Why Such Mistakes? It's Unacceptable!"

Making mistakes is normal, especially for a child. Don't try to make them feel ignorant because of the small mistakes. During early childhood development, it's essential to help them realise that mistakes are also experiences to learn lessons

  1. "I Don't Trust You With This." 

Telling this to children is a big mistake a parent can make. It means that they are incapable of doing things on their own. For instance, your child is in writing courses in Singapore. Instead of saying you don't trust them, better to encourage your children by telling them how to improve their skills. 

  1. "You'll Never Learn."

These words can limit children to believe in themselves. Everyone has the chance to improve their skills and talents. If you're wondering how to motivate children, tell them that everyone has different learning styles so they can believe in their abilities. 

Say the right words to your children with the guidance of Carean Oh and their educational consultant in Singapore. Visit their website for better parenting tips.



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