09 Sep


Raising a child is hard, but it is one of the toughest, most fulfilling jobs in the world. However, raising a child in this day and age can be more challenging. Some parents say that parenting is a job they are least prepared for. 

Tips Parents Can Live By

Here are some parenting tips that families in Singapore can apply. These are not only suitable for your kids’ early childhood development. You can also use these are your children grow into responsible adults.

  1. Boost your child’s self-esteem. Kids develop their sense of self as babies. Praise accomplishments, no matter how small. Let your child do things independently. 
  2. Catch your kids doing something right and praise them for it. Stop yourself from criticising more than complementing them.
  3. Limits and consistent discipline. Helping kids choose acceptable behaviours and learning self-control is the goal of discipline. They may test the limits you set for them, yet they need those to grow into responsible adults.
  4. Time for your kids. You will find it rewarding when you schedule time together with your kids. Children that don’t get the attention they want from their parents act out or misbehave.
  5. Being good role models. The older generation constantly says that children learn by watching their parents. Be the model of the traits you want to see your kids exhibit.
  6. Prioritise communication. Children also want and deserve explanations as adults do. They also want and deserve to be heard.
  7. Be flexible with your parenting style. As your children grow, they also change. You need to be flexible and gradually change your parenting style and adapt to new situations.
  8. Show unconditional love. Strive to nurture and encourage your children even when disciplining them.
  9. Know your needs and limits as parents. You are also imperfect, growing along with your child as an adult and a parent. Know your abilities, strengths and your weaknesses.


The process of parenting prepares children for independence, making it a difficult task for anyone. Parents can do many things that can help their children grow and develop. You can attend early childhood education courses offered by institutions around Singapore. An example is Carean Oh’s website that also offers writing courses for those residing in Singapore.


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