18 Aug

Do you imagine yourself living in the 50s and 60s where all the information you want to need can only be provided by the radio, TV, newspaper, magazine, books, and pamphlets distributed in the neighbourhood? In today's modern age, we consume most of our daily news and content from the internet.

Perhaps, you have once clicked an article about Singapore's current medal standing in the Tokyo Summer Olympics posted on Facebook and Twitter. 

Technology not only changed how we consume information but also how we share information. It is why media and information literacy are now being taught in some writing courses in Singapore. But what exactly is media and information literacy? 

What is Media and Information Literacy?

Media and Information Literacy is the knowledge and skill on how to access, search, critically evaluate, use, and share content and information online and offline. 

In today's modern age, the information source is not limited to print, radio, and TV alone. Thanks to the internet, everyone can consume and produce content and information digitally. 

Although it made the consumption and exchange of information unchallenging, technology has also posed a threat to the quality of information available to the digital space, especially with information overload. 

The majority of the digital audience today are younger people, and it makes media and information literacy an essential part of education and awareness in early childhood development. 

The Importance of Media and Information Literacy For Students

They Become Wise and Responsible Information Producer and Consumer

Communication is a two-way street. A person can produce and consume information. Today, it is easier for an individual to access and publish information through social media. They can do all of it without the gatekeepers and fact-checkers. 

An educational consultant in Singapore may see the importance of media and information literacy in fostering and harnessing the critical thinking of students. It helps them deduce and evaluate the objective and ideas of the information and decide whether these concepts and agenda are helpful. 

In similar ways, students become more responsible on which information they should publish-- becoming the ethical gatekeepers themselves. That is why media and information literacy can be one of the foundations of writing courses in Singapore. 

It Encourages Healthy and Respectful Discourse

As they said, your opinion only matters if someone is listening to it. Today, in social media alone, thousands of voices can be heard, and thousands of voices are drowned as well in a short amount of time. 

People can utilise the fast information sharing on social media or online forums by building a respectful and healthy discourse online. 

Not only it teaches young students to listen and evaluate the information that has been received, but they also learn how to share their opinion and ideas eloquently, using respectful words. 

It builds a sense of community, collaboration, and teamwork in the online audience. This MIL skill in early childhood education courses in Singapore is also helpful in several aspects of life. 

It Recognises and Amplifies Different Perspective

The good thing about technology in communication and information today is that everyone can be heard. Before, only a few sides or parties are given airtime and screen time to declare their opinions and ideas. But today, everyone, from a farmer to a student down to an undertaker, can express their feelings and beliefs. 

It provides a platform for different points of view. It teaches the students to empathise, sympathise, and appreciate different perspectives. The first-hand information from these people also contributes to the existing knowledge of the students. 

However, skills and knowledge from an educational consultant in Singapore are essential in the critical evaluation and objectiveness of the information. 

It Helps Students To Identify The Role of Media

Media and information influence people in many different ways. They are the agenda and objectives behind every content people consume online, and without media and information literacy, people are easy to fall for misinformation and disinformation. 

Media and its content can act as a distraction to the issue, expression of dissent, and can raise awareness. Media and content influence people on how and what to think, behave, and believe in. 

Early media and information literacy education and awareness, especially in early childhood development, help people to identify the agenda, objectivity, and role of the media and content they consume through critical assessment. 

This skill teaches children and students to be less gullible as they age. 


Technology in communication has provided us with immeasurable benefits in today's modern age. And with benefits comes the consequences. Fake news, misinformation, disinformation, and information overload are only a few of its drawbacks.

Media and information literacy are some of the keys to overcome these downsides. Now that younger people are the ones who are exposed the most to digital media, media and information literacy should be a part of early childhood education courses in Singapore.

The parent, teacher, and educational consultant in Singapore must work hand in hand in teaching media and information literacy to children and students.

Carean Oh

Carean Oh helps educators to empower children by providing useful and holistic knowledge and life skills, essential in building a better future for society. Visit Carean Oh today. 



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