09 Dec

The world rewards more extroverted people; the one who speaks in front of many audiences, the one who always volunteers to join an activity, the one who socialises more. However, naturally shy people can have a challenging time expressing themselves because others would forcefully say: get out of your shell so you can shine.

Contrary to what others think, introverts find power in solitude and silence. They find strength in themselves or in being alone. Indeed, shyness is never a weakness. And for a parent like me, I never forced my child to be like other children. 

Silence to Confidence 

Being a shy kid, I noticed that it takes time for my child to make friends. A parent once told me to teach my child to become more comfortable in social situations. But as I researched how to motivate children, I realised that you should not force a child to become confident, but rather embrace their shyness and make it their strength. 

Since then, I decided to look for an educational consultant in Singapore to help me support my shy kid and see him thrive in any social event. Let my story show you how a reliable educator helps my child feel more relaxed and confident when interacting with other people. 

How a Reliable Educational Consultant Support My Shy Kid

There is no need to make a child feel guilty about being shy because it is a normal part of growing up. Back then, my parents used to ask me: why am I not like other kids who are more sociable. Since I was still a child, I couldn’t explain that there was nothing wrong with me. It’s just that I didn’t like socialising, and it doesn’t make my shyness a weakness.

So, to give my child better shyness management, I let Carean Oh and their educational consultant support my shy kid. Here’s how they do it: 

  1. Introducing to Unfamiliar Places or Situations 

Before enrolling my child in the Carean Oh, I told the teachers that he was naturally shy. Luckily, the educational consultant considered this and set a schedule for introducing my child to his new school and classmates. Step by step, my son slowly adapted to the unfamiliar environment and felt more comfortable before the class started. 

I also followed some parenting tips in Singapore that advise not to say discouraging words.  Otherwise, it will show my child that I don’t understand his feelings. It will also force him to shy away from being true to himself. So, I took it slowly by introducing him to unfamiliar situations. And eventually felt more accustomed to the changes. 

  1. Give Opportunities to Express Feelings 

As a shy child, it can be hard to express his feelings to the people around him, even to me, as his parents. Again, I found support with the help of an educational consultant in Singapore because they gave my child opportunities to express what he thought about his classmates, the new environment, and the situation. 

After this, the teachers would tell me, and I would help my child process his emotions properly. Upon doing it, my child would know the appropriate ways to manage his shyness and turn it into his confidence for the better. 

  1. Avoid Degrading My Child 

Some parents would blatantly degrade their child in front of other relatives or friends. For instance, some would say: my child is stubborn and shy, unlike your more confident son. Instead of inspiring the children to become better, it can even discourage them from improving themselves. As part of the parenting tips, I didn’t make my child feel lesser than those who are more confident. 

Again, the educational consultant at Carean Oh helped me support my shy child to bring out the best in him. Fortunately, all those efforts are worth it! My child can now handle any social situation by being himself and respectful. 

  1. Praise for Small Victories 

As we went out, I noticed how my son smiled more with other children. And so, I praised him for this by saying: good job for being friendlier today! As he attended the writing courses in Singapore, his teacher told me that he participated more in activities. Of course, I also rewarded him with his favourite meal. Giving these praises will uplift more of his spirit and feel more confident. 

At the Carean Oh educational centre, his educational consultant also gives praise from time to time. As such, it will help him build his self-reliance and will become more outgoing and confident. 

  1. Enrol in Interactive Classes 

As my son slowly gained confidence, I enrolled him more in interactive classes at Carean Oh. For instance, I encouraged my son to join writing courses to enhance his skills for the future. The educational consultant was also helpful in developing my child’s confidence. His teachers tracked his progress and made sure to maintain the momentum. 

Make your child more confident at Carean Oh with their classes, like writing courses. Visit their website to talk with their educational consultant today!

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