07 Mar

Learning a new language is one of the many ways you can invest in yourself—and being one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, learning the Mandarin language seems like a given. 

But, between your lifestyle and career, you probably have little time to learn a second language. If you really want to push through with it, you’re likely wondering, exactly how much time should you invest in it? Let’s dive a little further. 

How Much Time Will It Take to Learn Mandarin 

According to studies, the Chinese language will take you about 2,200 hours to learn and become fluent with. 

A 5-hour Chinese class in Singapore a day would take you approximately 88 weeks to master the language.  

Factors that Could Impact How Fast You Can Learn a New Language 

— your previous language learning experience 

Bilinguals often find it easier to learn a third language. If you already speak a second language, several studies suggest it would be easier for you to learn Mandarin because you have already been accustomed to learning a different language. 

Don’t worry tho! If you’re not bilingual, being exposed to different languages can already make the language learning faster. 

— the language you’re learning 

Chinese is considered one of the most difficult languages to learn, particularly for English speakers. But, being highly conceptual, once you understand the framework, it would be quite easier to get to the details. 

— how you are learning 

Whether or not you are attending Mandarin language courses or Chinese classes in Singapore matters in how fast you learn the language. Reading, listening, travelling, and practising can all speed up your learning process. 

— the time you allot for learning 

In the same manner, how much you spend learning can also impact how fast you learn the language. Studies show that if you dedicate an hour a day to learning Mandarin, you will learn significantly faster compared to those who merely attend a weekly class. 

— your attitude and motivation 

These last two factors also play a great role in how fast you learn a new language. Approach this undertaking with a positive attitude and find motivation and you’ll understand why many people have succeeded in the process. 

Ready to get started? Sign up for Chinese classes and Mandarin lessons in Singapore today at Stanford Language Centre.

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