03 Dec

Convincing young ones to do something they do not want to can bring parents to their wits’ end. From putting on clothes to attending their weekly writing courses in Singapore, kids can be stubborn when it comes to doing or participating in an activity that they have to do.

However, forcing children to do something uncomfortable for them is different from motivating them to engage in activities. If they are distressed when doing an exercise, mums and dads must not push their little ones to cooperate. But if they are adamant about refusing to wear clothes, take a bath, or brush their teeth, these parenting tips for Singapore families could help you encourage young ones to become reasonable and motivated:

Establish Clear Communication

According to an educational consultant in Singapore, hearing what your youngster says can help you understand their feelings toward an activity. It can also help you pinpoint the root of their behaviour, which will help you decide how to act accordingly.

Encourage Curiosity

If your little one is naturally interested in a specific idea or activity, they will become engaged and bond with it in their unique ways. They will see what happens when they do something with it, fueling their curiosity without you learning how to motivate your children in getting involved with it.

Facilitate Social Interaction

Most early childhood education courses in Singapore stress how social interaction is vital in a child’s development. It will affect their communication and social skills, which will, in turn, result in lasting effects on their motivation to participate in activities.

Praise Throughout The Process

Encouragement comes with praise. If children feel that their efforts are recognized when attending their writing courses in Singapore, they will become driven to do well in their class and believe that they can achieve anything they want.

Are you troubled by other parenthood challenges? Let Carean Oh help you! Visit their website below to learn more parenting tips tailored to Singapore families.



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