14 Jul

Many of us are probably wondering why we should study the Mandarin language. Many might argue that the Mandarin lessons we have back in our school days will suffice and that it will only take a portion of our time. However, there are many reasons to learn Mandarin for adults. In this article, we will share with you the reasons why learning the language is important.

Mandarin is a widely spoken language.

When our goal as a country with a tiger economy is to be globally competitive, it is only proper to learn a language that is conventionally used in the global market. Apart from the fact that China has a very huge population and their language is being spoken by many, Mandarin is also a widely spoken language even for people not born in China. Just like how the English language is being spoken in the business world by non-native speakers, the Chinese language is also being utilised as a medium of communication. Thus, it is crucial to learn such a language, especially since it is closer to us than the Western universal languages.

It is a great exercise for the mind.

Learning a language is a complex process. Moreover, it involves a lot of functions such as cognitive, verbal exercises, breathing exercises, and more. The Chinese language, especially, since it involves a good deal of intonations, phonemes, characters to memorize, and meanings to understand, is a good way to exercise the mind. We need to sharpen our mind while growing up, and taking a Chinese course is a good way to do that.

Better CV

It is not news anymore that learning the Chinese language can make a good impression on your employer. Whether you are working on a Chinese firm or a local business that is aiming to be globally recognized, an employee who can speak multiple languages is a good asset to the company. Thus, when it is reflected in your CV that you have finished a Mandarin language course, you’re getting yourself leverage.

Better Job Opportunities

Aside from making your CV more impressive, learning the Chinese language can also open more opportunities for you. If you are planning to work in China or a multinational company abroad, your proficiency in the Chinese language will help.

Looking for a language centre to learn the Chinese language effectively? Enrol at Stanford Language Centre today to start your way to Mandarin proficiency!


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