07 Jul

Moving into Singapore means meeting a lot of Chinese-speaking citizens. Although most of them can understand English, it is uncomfortable for them to speak it. Your children might have a hard time fitting in school. You can sign them up for Chinese lessons for kids in Singapore to improve their Mandarin skills. Here are more tips on how to make them more fluent in Mandarin:

  1. Look for Interactive Classes

Kids have short attention spans. It is difficult for them to focus on one thing if it doesn’t interest them. Thus, you should look for a Mandarin course in Singapore that offers interactive classes. It should include games and role-playing activities. 

  1. Encourage Them     

Ask them to teach you what they have learned from their classes to pique their interest. Kids love it when you show interest in their activities, so one way to encourage them to study Mandarin is to become involved in it. 

  1. Practise Mandarin at Home

One effective method of teaching Mandarin is to let your child learn in an immersive environment. They would know how to apply the words that they learned in their everyday lives. Try signing up for adult Mandarin courses, so you can still offer an immersive environment for him even when he is at home. 

  1. Go Digital!

Consider signing up for the online Chinese course for kids. Chinese tutors are becoming more creative in their teaching methods when it comes to online classes. Plus, they use various digital tools (ex. apps and games) to make the classes more fun and interactive!

  1. Search for Native Chinese Speakers 

It is better to look for tutors who are native Chinese speakers. However, bear in mind that the tutor doesn’t have an accent. This is for them to teach the right tones of the pinyin system. Always remember, Mandarin is a tonal language, thus it is crucial to learn the right tones. 

Learning Mandarin should not be hard for kids. They should have an enjoyable experience to make it easier for them to absorb the language. 

If you are currently looking for Chinese lessons for kids, then check out Mandarin Plus now!


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