24 Feb

Corporal punishment and spanking are some of the most widely argued and hotbed of controversies in parenting and discipline. Some people may agree to spank an effective form of discipline, while some parents and experts may not agree to spank.

With all the parenting tips and plenty of advice that focus on how to motivate children, we often neglect to look for other effective discipline methods without hitting or hurting our children. Here are some different discipline methods that don't involve spanking or hitting your child:

Losing privilege

If you're looking for parenting tips in Singapore, you'll notice that a lot of them are focused on encouraging and inspiring your child. Even in discipline, the goal is not to punish and hurt them to submission. The goal should be about correcting their actions and realising their mistakes to avoid committing poor decisions and choices. Teach them that the wrongdoings can result in loss of privilege.

Offer rewards for good behaviour

Rewarding positive behaviour isn't exactly a form of punishment. However, it discourages your child from misbehaving and rewards them for doing good behaviour. Even teachers in writing courses in Singapore provides rewards for excelling in class instead of implementing corporal punishment shows that you can also set a reward system to motivate them to get better!

Set limits or restrictions

It's ideal for parents to clarify and have consistent rules that their child should follow in and out of the house. Be sure that you explain the rules and limits in words they can understand. Even teachers can be advised by every educational consultant in Singapore to reinforce restrictions to avoid misbehaving in class.


Timeouts are one of the most effective forms of disciplining kids without hurting them and is commonly advised by paediatricians. Having a timeout lets you discipline your kid by calling out their negative attitude and giving them a 'timeout', and removing them in the situation they're in.

If you are looking for parenting tips or an educational consultant, visit Carean Oh!



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