05 Jan

College may be lightyears away, or it may be just around the corner. Regardless of whether your child is 8 or 18, it is crucial to prepare them for college long before the time comes. Preparing your child for college is one step you can take on how to motivate children and improve their development as they age and mature.

Here are different ways to gear up your child for college:

Talk with your child about their goals and dreams.

You need to have an open line of communication with your children at all times. As a parent, you need to have a sense of knowledge about what their goals, aspirations, and dreams are. Engaging your children in helpful conversations about their future education can offer a long-term benefit even in their early childhood development.

Encourage your children to explore new things.

Do not wait and delay the encouragement to them to explore new things they have all grown up and gone to college. It's better to start early while they are young. Are they interested in reading? You might want to talk to them about enrolling in workshops or writing courses in Singapore. Expose them to different things such as sports, music, art, science, and other creative activities.

Don't push or force them.

It's a mark of poor parenting when parents are aggressive about pushing their children towards something they aren't particularly interested in. It might backfire on you when your children have grown and realised a strong desire to defy your strict and unreasonable orders. It's advisable to seek counselling or parenting tips in Singapore.

Teach your child to start saving early.

College isn't cheap and easy. Teaching them how to be financially responsible at an early age. It doesn't even have to be for their college or school as it could be anything that will help them value money and use them wisely. It's a crucial step for raising your child's responsibility and accountability.

If you are looking for more parenting tips or an educational consultant in Singapore, visit Carean Oh's website for more info.



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