03 Feb

Handling toddler tantrums is one of the greatest challenges all parents face. It is annoying, stressful, and draining to manage. Much worse, all kids have a tantrum phase, meaning no escape or break for parents. So for first-time parents out there, brace yourself for the coming days where children would like to throw fits because they want to. This article will discuss some parenting tips and mistakes in Singapore that fuel temper tantrums in toddlers. 

  1. Giving in to your kid's demands

Giving in to your child's demands is an exceptional trick on how to motivate children to throw more fits whenever they want to get something they desire. 

The key is to calm them down and make them understand that you cannot agree with their demands even if they throw tantrums. 

  1. Paying attention

Did you know that ignoring your child is the best way to put their tantrums to an end? Scolding and coaxing them would only encourage more fits from them. The key is to pretend that you can hear and see them. Ask your parenting educational consultant in Singapore for more tips. 

  1. Grovelling and coaxing

Parents usually have three ways of dealing with temper tantrums, and one of them is grovelling and coaxing your child. There is nothing wrong with comforting your kid, especially if they are sad. But if they are throwing fits, the better way to calm them down is to teach them how to deal with and express their emotions healthily and appropriately. 

  1. Punishing kids

The other way parents deal with tantrums is through punishment. Spanking and yelling at them would only add fuel to the fire. As the parent, you have to be the calm one. Set examples on dealing with emotions properly.

  1. Bribing kids

Bribing them gives the perception to children that they can get what they want through tantrums. 

Parents have unique ways of dealing with their children. Just remember, there are no perfect children and no perfect parents. 

Carean Oh provides early childhood development tips and writing courses in Singapore. Visit Carean Oh today.



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