24 Nov

Everyone's perspective on the world is unique. They are at a point in their lives where they require someone to act as a lighthouse, pointing them in the direction of understanding the world for the first time.

It's here that having parents is critical. The world kids view is influenced by the world their parents have imagined for them. Everything they say and do is influenced by what they observe daily.

Curiosity is the spark that ignites a child's educational journey, and growth cannot occur without it.

Here are some ideas on how to motivate children:

Relax and let them enjoy themselves

For example, it could be letting them watch their favourite show or playing in the backyard with friends. Give them something to look forward to when they've finished studying.

Ask them unrelated questions

Ask them how they're feeling or what they want for lunch instead of focusing on academic subjects like science, math, and history. How can you learn to motivate kids to study? Simple. These tiny gestures will show them how much you care. In return, they promise to put out their best effort in all other school activities.

With their help, design a learning plan

Yes, I'm going to join them. The best method to help your child learn is to open the channels of communication between the two of you. In addition, take into account what you've observed.

Get parenting advice from experts

Among new mothers, professional parenting tips in Singapore are quite trendy.

The guidance of an educational consultant in Singapore can also be very beneficial to moms in planning their children's futures.

For all mothers in need of expert parenting advice, Carean Oh provides it. Educational consulting and writing courses are also available in Singapore.

Improve the living conditions of your children. Carean Oh is open today.



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